Victory Cannon Campaign Makes the News Again

The Victory Cannon Campaign has made the news again, this time in thanks to the wonderful people at the CrossRoads Military Heritage Collectors Show (held November 1) who kindly donated a table to the museum. The Military Antiques Show located in Moncton, at the heart of Atlantic Canada, features Militaria, Pre-1945 Arms, Vehicles & Collectibles and can be found online on Facebook here

Our museum Manager/Curator Donald Alward was fortunate to get interviewed by Jonathan MacInnis of CTV news and you can watch the whole episode here. Although Jonathan stated in the article the people of Albert County raised $117000.00 during the Victory Loans Campaign of 1919, they really raised $317000.00 which is equivalent to ~3.92 million dollars today. The $117000.00 Jonathan quotes in the article is the amount the Government set as a goal for Albert County. The Cannon prize was given to Albert County for surpassing the goal by such a large amount, the most over their goal in all of New Brunswick . You can learn more about the Victory Loans Campaign here.

Over $140.00 was raised on Saturday, which brings us ever closer to the grand total of $15000.00. A special thanks is extended to The Rocks Provincial Park for kindly donating a jacket and passes to use as promotional prizes at the show. Thanks Rocks! Thanks also to our volunteers who manned the booth and the the show for giving us the booth!

If you have not donated to the Victory Cannon Campaign to restore the WW1 Cannons in Hopewell Cape then please do so here. DONATE.