
The large two story home was grand, not only in size, but in appearance. The home was distinguished from most along the Great Road in that it had a long white picket fence along the road front that made it stand out to passers by.

Although R.B. was already away from home by the time his youngest sister, Mildred, was born, she had a unique perspective on her older brother that, perhaps, would provide some insight into his life. If we were able to commune with the spirit of Mildred (much like Mackenzie King did with others) this is what she might have to say:

"There's a plain honesty in Hopewell Cape... all of Albert County for that matter. Strict Christian homes. People sharing. We have high ideals, high standards for good behaviour.

That's the root of Dick's integrity, and, of course, Mother. Dick and Mother were close companions. They were a lot alike. Both were strong minded, which worked against Dick's popularity with his schoolmates, and his ambition.

Most Cape boys went from village school to a life at sea. Dick was the exception. Carrie Reed and Dick were classmates, and close friends - they played together, building playhouses from spruce boughs and mud.

Carrie said Dick often talked of becoming a Methodist Minister. Other boys wanted to build ships and sail them in the bay. Not Dick. Some said he was too smart for his own good. Well he was smart! He wanted to make the most of the intelligence God has given him.

That's why he became a schoolteacher, though Carrie said he often bragged that school teaching would be his stepping-stone to a career in law. I can believe that. Most everyone in Hopewell Cape knew my brother as a boy that wanted to go places, a boy that knew exactly how to get there.

Maud Pye says Dick often told her he would become Prime Minister. I heard that said more than once in the village. Maud was his girl. Dick used to say: "Maud is the only girl for me".

They went their own ways, of course, but remained good friends. Maud said despite his quick temper, he was the kindest boy she ever knew, a plain-spoken boy, utterly lacking in any form of deception.

That's the brother I toured with on the campaign trail. He was everything Carrie Reed said he was as a boy: always truthful, always loyal, always willing to give his hand to help someone up.

That's my brother, Dick. That's the boy he was in Hopewell Cape, and that's the man he became. I'm proud of that!"