Tom Collins

Yes, It was an April Fool's Joke - But the Question Still Remains Was Tom Collins Guilty or Not?

The story we posted earlier about Tom Collin's getting an official pardon, was an April Fools fabrication, it was done tongue-in-cheek, and if you took the time to read the article that would have been quite clear as the guilty party was named as Zeke Midas Wolf a.k.a. The Big Bad Wolf from Walt Disney. It was also posted with the the tags: The Big Bad Wolf and April Fools. 

Zeke Midas Wolf - The Big Bad Wolf from Walt Disney.

Zeke Midas Wolf - The Big Bad Wolf from Walt Disney.

The purpose of such stories is to spread knowledge of the real event, if it gets people interested in learning the rest of the story, then mission accomplished. If you felt this was in bad taste, please understand we face an uphill battle getting our stories/history heard, and if you know the story then there are many who do not. This April Fools Story was meant for those people may not have previously heard it, and are now hopefully interested in learning more. It should be noted that the majority of the post was taken verbatim from the Tom Collins story posted on our website. 

The Tom Collins story was (and still is) a divisive one in the community, especially as to his guilt or innocence. If you're interested in reading about the Tom Collin's story now please visit  The museum has a number of artefacts from this trial and we encourage you to visit the museum and learn more about the whole story. 

The Museum is open May Long Weekend to Mid-September.