Heritage Week 2016

The Forestdale Heritage Week Talks @ 2pm - An Update

From all accounts the drama at Forestdale Nursing Home yesterday was not to be missed. Kathleen and Paul Kyle, along with Kathleen's mom, Mary Steeves did a 20 minute drama (in costume) about William Henry Steeves. William Henry Steeves was a Father of Confederation and a strong candidate for our Top Ten Most Historical People of Albert County. There are rumours of a video of the event, which we're hoping to get a link to. 

Today at 2pm,  Dawne McLean is going to talk about the Reid Brothers with photos. The Reid Brothers were architects who designed many prominent buildings in Albert County and around the world. 

Tomorrow, at 2pm Donald Alward, Manager and Curator at the Albert County Museum is talking about R.B. Bennett, Canada's 11th Prime Minister. 

Then Friday, at 2pm Dawne McLean will be talking about Abner R. McClelan. McClelan was a Canadian senator and the tenth Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick.

Don't forget to vote for Albert County's 10 most historical people here.